
Showing posts from June, 2024

Space: The Last Bastion Against Cyberattacks

Space: The Last Bastion Against Cyberattacks This week, a large lunar settlement experienced a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) assault that rendered all electronic door locks inoperable, trapping scores of people inside and keeping many more out in the bitter cold. The threat actor behind the attack is said to have taken control of a number of decades-old CubeSats last year in an attempt to use them to set off a series of possibly catastrophic satellite collisions. Naturally, neither "incident" has actually occurred. Still. However, it's possible that they will happen at some point in the not-too-distant future, so it's best to start making plans and thinking about them now. That's the conclusion drawn from a recent study on outer space cyberattacks by academics at California Polytechnic State Read More......


ASUS FIXED A BUG IN MANY ROUTERS RELATING TO CRITICAL REMOTE AUTHENTICATION. The vendor also addressed a critical upload arbitrary firmware flaw, tracked as CVE-2024-3912 (CVSS score 9.8) impacting multiple devices. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit the flaw to execute system commands on the vulnerable device. Read More.....

Famous Scattered Spider Group Arrested in Spain: U.K. Hacker Associated with It

Famous Scattered Spider Group Arrested in Spain: U.K. Hacker Associated with It Law enforcement authorities have reportedly apprehended a key figure in the notorious cybercrime group known as Scattered Spider. The suspect, a 22-year-old British man, was arrested in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, while attempting to board a flight to Italy. This arrest was a coordinated effort between the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Spanish Police. The news first emerged on June 14, 2024, through Murcia Today, with malware research group vx-underground later revealing that the detained individual is linked to several high-profile ransomware Read More...........

Brazil gets hit by the Grandoreiro Banking Trojan as Smishing Scams Increase in Pakistan

 Brazil gets hit by the Grandoreiro Banking Trojan as Smishing Scams Increase in Pakistan The Smishing Triad is a threat actor that has expanded its reach outside the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and the European Union. Its current target is Pakistan. Resecurity stated in a study released earlier this week that "the group's latest tactic involves sending malicious messages on behalf of Pakistan Post to customers of mobile carriers via iMessage and SMS." "The goal is to steal their personal and financial information." The threat actors, who are thought to speak Chinese, are well-known for using stolen datasets that are sold on the dark web to send phony text messages that lure receivers Read More.....

Leading the Way in the Adoption of Quantum Technology is the European Telecom Sector

 Leading the Way in the Adoption of Quantum Technology is the European Telecom Sector Although quantum technologies seem like something that will only be realized decades from now, a recent report, particularly in the telecommunications sector, indicates that, contrary to popular belief, quantum technology is already a reality, especially in recent years. at recent years, commercial impetus has started to emerge, despite the fact that the quantum technology sector at research institutes has been stagnant for........ Read More.......

Cyber Attacks by Pakistani Hackers Using DISGOMOJI Malware Target the Indian Government

Cyber Attacks by Pakistani Hackers Using DISGOMOJI Malware Target the Indian Government A suspected threat actor with a base in Pakistan has been connected to a cyberespionage operation that began in 2024 and targeted government agencies in India. Volexity, a cybersecurity firm, is monitoring the activity.........for Read More......

Microsoft Acknowledges Security Vulnerabilities Let China View Emails from the US Government

 Microsoft Acknowledges Security Vulnerabilities Let China View Emails from the US Government In the summer of 2023, Microsoft President Brad Smith acknowledged that the company's security procedures had allowed Chinese state hackers to access the emails of US government leaders. Smith stated that the tech company takes full responsibility for all the problems listed in a Cyber Safety See More..............